10 January 2014

So much blessing, so little time

I normally keep my personal life out of my design life, however I'm just so excited about the wonderful blessings that have been happening.  I have to share!  Along with my goals for 2014, I have been saving up money over the past several months to put into finishing my home office.  I'm not 100% done yet, but slowly completing the last items to finish up the re-design.

Last night, we picked up and hauled home my new office credenza, and what an adventure that was!  Hubby wasn't feeling very well, and I had planned to possibly drive down to the furniture store myself to pick up the piece.  Boy, I'm glad he came along!  We were shocked to find out that the credenza was NOT "assembly-required" - it was 100% assembled and crated and ready to use!  Little bit of back-knowledge: we both drive small to mid-size cars.  We took my car (Scion tC) as it has a hatchback and lots more loading space.  Well, we weren't counting on the 5ft credenza being all one piece.  Oops!

Luckily, it did fit in my car, except the hatchback didn't close all the way.  Hubby spent 15 minutes tying the door closed and securing my precious new office piece.  We tooled down the interstate at 70 mph, and made it home in one piece!

Then, the hard part began.  We lifted the credenza out of my trunk, and managed to get it up the front steps and into the door.  It was a heavy beast!  I certainly wasn't going to be able to carry one end of it up to the second floor office, no way!  Hubby called our neighbor, and thankfully he was home and able to come over and help carry it upstairs.  Phew, haha!  We got it in the office, unpacked it, positioned it, and the fun began!  Our printer, internet modem / router, cords, paper trimmed, and much more had been residing on the office floor since we moved into our new house, almost a year and a half ago!  Time for some REAL storage!

With that, I'm now shopping around for the fabric to make curtains, along with picking up little odds and ends to decorate with. I recently finished the collage wall above my desk, and still have lots more work to do!

In the meantime, here is a sneak peek of my new workspace!  I'm so in love! Can't wait to post the full room reveal!

Along with my new office blessing, I was surprised for my birthday with a spot in an upcoming photography workshop, that our wedding photographers host each year!  Ardentology is a beginning-photographers workshop that I've been wanting to attend for a while.  Steph and Rick are INCREDIBLE photographers and I now get to pick their brains and learn from some of the industry's best. The workshop is hosted at the Snowy Mountain Lodge in Centennial, WY on February 1.  We are looking at staying the night before, as it's a 2-hour drive from home.

Well folks, that's it for now!  Check back soon for the full office reveal and of course, daily design eye candy!

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