20 March 2013

Wedding invite and custom monogram for Nicole

Nicole placed an order a few months ago for a custom monogram as well as a custom invite suite for their upcoming April wedding in Taiwan.  They wanted their monogram to be more of a symbol design, a motif that their guests would remember as "their emblem", so to speak.  She wanted their initials used, with floral and vine elements included.  I have to say, putting two non-symmetrical letters together to make a symmetrical monogram design is a challenge!  For their invite suite, they wanted a double-sided folder style invite done in a traditional Chinese style, with a belly band to seal the suite, along with 2 inserts for RSVP and a ceremony invite.  I designed the files as a template, as they will enter the Chinese wording. Their wedding colors are various shades of red and pink.  In the Chinese culture, the color WHITE is a symbol of death and mourning, while red is a bridal color.  This is very much different from the American culture I'm so used to.  We designed her suite to have minimal white on it, mostly using the muted pink and red tones into a beautiful ornate design.  Without further ado, here are her final chosen designs!  Thanks Nicole!

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