23 November 2011


As I reflect over this past year, my heart is filled with pain, anger, confusion, and gratefulness.  One year ago tomorrow, as we celebrated Thanksgiving, I was totally amazed and in total awe of my mom.  She had been so sick just a couple months before that, and pulled through, and was on the road to a complete recovery.  We ate turkey dinner, and laughed, and shared memories, and I honestly couldn't believe she was healthy and alive.  Just a few months after that, her health continued downhill, and finally in May, she gave up the fight with cancer and left our world to join the angels in the sky.  During this process, I was truly lifted up by my husband and by my Savior.  I NEVER could have gotten through the loss of my mom without them.  I am bitter and sad and miss my mom SO SO much, but on the flip side, I am SO SO thankful for the people in my life that have been all the support I would need. 

This year, I am INCREDIBLY thankful for my Lord, as well as my husband, family, health, finances and provision, and all the little things I overlook day to day.  It's so hard realizing in this life I won't share another Thanksgiving dinner with my momma, share her laughs and jokes, and give her a hug at the end of the night, HOWEVER I know I will see her again in my next life and I know I'm surrounded by the most wonderful people.

With that, here's to a wonderful Thanksgiving and Holiday Season.  May you be blessed with family, health, finances, and most of all - love.  Enjoy and relax this Season, from our home to yours: HAPPY THANKSGIVING.

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