Speaking of Boarding Passes.....

I am so so so excited to be posting this finally - it's been a dream in the making and I can finally share it.  Long story short, Brian and I received a large inheritance from my aunt, who passed away July 12 of this year.  With that sudden income, we were able to pay off most of our debt, put a chunk in savings, and have some fun.  While my mom was in the hospital, fighting for her life from the cancer, something about going on a Hawaiian cruise was brought up.  Her and my dad have been to hawaii two or three times now, and it's their absolute favorite cruise.  My dad is elderly and my mom is battling her fourth round with breast cancer, so Brian and I decided to take some of our financial blessing and bless my parents by paying for a cruise to Hawaii, for the four of us!  As a surprise to let them know it's all expense paid, I designed some boarding pass tickets to give them.  Without too much more detail, here's our final design - they will be printed on cardstock, perforated, and inserted into vellum jackets embellished with hibiscus flower stickers, and put inside a linen cardstock envelope marked with "Compliments of Miracle Travel". 

I have to totally give the glory and honor to God for this entire thing - without Him, ... my mother would not be here to enjoy this getaway with her family.


  1. OMG! I loveeeeeeee these!!!! What an amazing gift!! : D

  2. Hi Sarah,

    Those are such beautiful gifts (with a fabulous design attached) ;) I am praying for your family and hope you all have fun on your trip.

    Erin Bennett :)


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